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en:unicmt:software [2025/01/27 00:02]
en:unicmt:software [2025/01/27 00:04] (current)
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 This indicates that the firmware has been successfully updated. Then just press the right red button to switch the UniCMT to normal operating mode. Or turn the computer off and on. This indicates that the firmware has been successfully updated. Then just press the right red button to switch the UniCMT to normal operating mode. Or turn the computer off and on.
-[[unicmt:​download|The latest firmware version and sample content for your USB flash drive can be found here.]]+[[en:unicmt:​download|The latest firmware version and sample content for your USB flash drive can be found here.]]
en/unicmt/software.1737925372.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/01/27 00:02 by admin